Set up a blog, instagram and facebook following to get free tours

Lots of working holiday travelers dream about making big money becoming travel writers or professional bloggers and retiring early on a stream of easy income from their literary assets. While success is possible for a small percentage of people in the blogosphere and make a good income from being travel writers, this is normally attached to some prior celebrity status that has given them the jump on regular people.

For travellers there is one specific way to put your blog, Instagram account or writing skills into action and seek out tour operators and accommodation who will  heavily discount or provide the product for free.

When talking to accommodation providers directly or emailing them in advance of your arrival at the destination you can promote yourself as a blogger or pro Instagram user who offer them exposure  in exchange for discount or free product. There appears to be certain personality types at a better at pulling this off than others, but it never hurts to try.

It  has also been seen to be done to write a review or the blog prior to the travels, so the operator you are seeking favour from can see that you have researched their product and have completed your side of the deal.

While it has not been seen to be tested, pre writing reviews on Google business or TripAdvisor is another way to win favour with accommodation and tour operators. To read the reviews and then make contact on the phone or by email should impress once they realise that you have already done something for them. This is even more meaningful to operators they have recently received a negative review which normally leave them in a state of mind a distress.

So the resolve you should have is to take 15 minutes to set up a blog account, 10 minutes to start using Instragam, and 5 minutes to create a Tripadvisor account before you start to travel.

John Nayler

Digital Marketer. Sailor. Speaker

John Nayler

Brisbane, QLD

0407 15 13 11

John Nayler

In a world where it is critical to cut through the noise and stand out, John Nayler quietly delivers significant competitive advantage through an in-depth knowledge and intense fascination with content, information and the digital world. Describing his first contact with the internet in 1998 as ‘Love At First Sight’, John successfully created the laptop lifestyle before it was a buzzword, growing a highly regarded digital and media agency, inventing and commercialising products, and launching niche magazines, from aboard his boat in the Whitsunday Islands – one of the most sought after island locations in the world. Competitive advantage is a hard-contact, tactical game which can be won or lost in the digital space. John’s education and commitment to his field, and experience at the forefront of marketing and management in the IT space, delivers an innate understanding of how to position, communicate and leverage to deliver improved visibility, lead flow, and ultimately drive sales and profitability...