Get a HELPX account

The HelpX or Help Exchange web site has been around since 2002 and is well known in travel and backpacking circles.

Offering "free" or "premium" accounts the maximum you would have to pay is 20 Euros accord to the most recent check of the web site.

Compared to "Couch Surfing", where you stay for free, WWOOFFing, where you might have to work 8 hours a day, or pay to stay like Airbnb, HelpX is an exchange as the name suggests. Its is typical for up to 5 hours casual work per day make get your a comfortable bed in a nice house and at least one meal.

Offers and exchanges vary, so check the host profile careful and look for references written about the host.

It is common to find that the hosts in this network are extremely generous and require little work in exchange for the room and food offered. The good nature of the hosts is likely to extend to wine, beer, tours and experiences.

Take care to be a good guest and do more than is required of you so that stays are extended and good references are written. In the best of circumstances you will find yourself sent-on to other friends for HelpX offers that are not through the web site, just well meaning friends sending you to their friends.

Despite the web site and the system aging, there are thousands of registered hosts in Australia.

Extra tip: You may find that a working holiday backpacker leaving Australia may have a premium HelpX account that you might be able to convert to your own.

Extra tip: Volunteering in rural locations used to count toward a Visa extension allowing some working holiday travelers to stay or return for a second year. From 31 August 2015,  the rules changed. Follow the link below for more information.

Related Links:
 Help Exchange web site
 Australian Immigration about Voluneteer work

John Nayler

Digital Marketer. Sailor. Speaker

John Nayler

Brisbane, QLD

0407 15 13 11

John Nayler

In a world where it is critical to cut through the noise and stand out, John Nayler quietly delivers significant competitive advantage through an in-depth knowledge and intense fascination with content, information and the digital world. Describing his first contact with the internet in 1998 as ‘Love At First Sight’, John successfully created the laptop lifestyle before it was a buzzword, growing a highly regarded digital and media agency, inventing and commercialising products, and launching niche magazines, from aboard his boat in the Whitsunday Islands – one of the most sought after island locations in the world. Competitive advantage is a hard-contact, tactical game which can be won or lost in the digital space. John’s education and commitment to his field, and experience at the forefront of marketing and management in the IT space, delivers an innate understanding of how to position, communicate and leverage to deliver improved visibility, lead flow, and ultimately drive sales and profitability...