Try new foods and accept meal offers

This might seem obvious so many people go traveling when they have a resistance to trying new food. This is not to say that goes off and fish eyes should become part of your staple diet while on your working holiday travels in Australia. What should be said is that there is a wonderful array of tasty food that is different to the western norm and it may be offered to you while travelling.

This tip is that if you can bear a little spice or be open to new flavours and foods, you will be able to take up meal and taste offers as you travel.

Some things you will be likely to be offered in Australia

Spicy food: this is included as a generic comment because so much of Australian food in the modern day is influenced by Asia and India. While you might typically gag on something that is medium spicy, there is plenty of dishes served up in Australia with medium or extra spice. If you can harden your palette and get used to the strong flavours, you will be open to more food range and likely meal offers. Of course, you will be watched by the the Asian or Indian's serving you the food as they will delight in your response, but you are still expanding your palette and getting a free meal.

Vegemite on toast: Be ready and willing to try Vegemite on toast. Vegemite is Australian as kangaroos, and a salting spread used very thinly on buttered toast for breakfast. You will find it in most pantries and if you grow to like it, you will find Australians wanting to serve it to you all the time.

Kangaroo: Its available in most supermarket and described as a strong flavoured beef. Its not yet part of the everyday Australian diet, but you will find that when invited for dinner, its likely to be on the menu to impress you. Dig in, its just like beef with a slightly different flavour.

Sweets: Australians are proud specifically of a number of typically sweet items including Tim Tams (a chocolate covered biscuit), Lamingtons (a chocolate and coconut covered cake) and Pavlova. All are delicious and will be offered to you for tasting along the way in Australia.

Fresh Caught Fish: Australia has a long coast line and too many people that like fishing. Spend some time around fishermen (and fisherwomen) and you will are sure to end up eating fresh caught fish.

John Nayler

Digital Marketer. Sailor. Speaker

John Nayler

Brisbane, QLD

0407 15 13 11

John Nayler

In a world where it is critical to cut through the noise and stand out, John Nayler quietly delivers significant competitive advantage through an in-depth knowledge and intense fascination with content, information and the digital world. Describing his first contact with the internet in 1998 as ‘Love At First Sight’, John successfully created the laptop lifestyle before it was a buzzword, growing a highly regarded digital and media agency, inventing and commercialising products, and launching niche magazines, from aboard his boat in the Whitsunday Islands – one of the most sought after island locations in the world. Competitive advantage is a hard-contact, tactical game which can be won or lost in the digital space. John’s education and commitment to his field, and experience at the forefront of marketing and management in the IT space, delivers an innate understanding of how to position, communicate and leverage to deliver improved visibility, lead flow, and ultimately drive sales and profitability...