Karneval Ssitzung

Wed 06 Feb 2013
Party thursday
For some reason not entirely clear, Thursday of Karneval is as good as any other for a party, particularly for students it seems.

In the University district there is a main shop street lined with bars, cafes, clubs and restaurants. On Karneval Thursday it is mayhem as it is blocked off and filled with 10,000 or more university students or aged there abouts dressed to perfection in costume of all types. In their hands beer by the volume or party spirits in shot glass sized bottles. Setting about drinking their own body weight inside 6 days, everyone is quite merry and genuinely in high spirits. Indoors, bars like the Museum is squeeze space only, with admittance troubling unless you have a full costume. In our group were three guys in some type of South American celebratory balaclava, devilish in appearance, bar security did not see it as enough or appropriate for the party inside.

... and obviously so, indoors you could not move for Batman, bears, cowboys, Red Riding Hoods, tigers, a large clutch of pirates at least one air stewart and more.

Once again spirits were high and the Kolsh beer by the 200 ml glass.

From the speakers through out are the same 10 Karneval songs seemingly played in a loop.

The only downside of the event for mine was the growing smoke density - the Germans have, for the most part banned smoking indoors. The loophole is that clubs and bars can nominate themselves as "smoking clubs" - inside which smoking is still allowed.

I am told that even if it were banned in a club or bar, the nature of Karneval is to flaunt the rules as they are "a long way from Berlin", and smoking would occur anyway.

Regardless of people's feeling on the matter, the party continued on the street, the bars, and elsewhere well into the night with my hosts arriving home for a break and heading back out for more action in a local bar.

So be it, Thursday is one hell of a party.

John Nayler

Digital Marketer. Sailor. Speaker

John Nayler

Brisbane, QLD

0407 15 13 11

John Nayler

In a world where it is critical to cut through the noise and stand out, John Nayler quietly delivers significant competitive advantage through an in-depth knowledge and intense fascination with content, information and the digital world. Describing his first contact with the internet in 1998 as ‘Love At First Sight’, John successfully created the laptop lifestyle before it was a buzzword, growing a highly regarded digital and media agency, inventing and commercialising products, and launching niche magazines, from aboard his boat in the Whitsunday Islands – one of the most sought after island locations in the world. Competitive advantage is a hard-contact, tactical game which can be won or lost in the digital space. John’s education and commitment to his field, and experience at the forefront of marketing and management in the IT space, delivers an innate understanding of how to position, communicate and leverage to deliver improved visibility, lead flow, and ultimately drive sales and profitability...