Ottawa, national capital of Canada

Sun 01 Mar 2009

Tip of the day: "Beaver tails are supposed to have 2300 calories - be sure to enjoy every one!"
Prior to the top 50 announcement, I had already locked in on the gracious offer from Scott, co-applicant for best job. Typifying the diversity of best job applicants, I had just spent time with drama graduate Shannon in Toronto. Scott was house dad, IT industry refuge husband and father of two.

Greeting my cheerily in Ottawa, Scott took me immediately downtown for a walking tour of the city centre. Pacing where Obama recently had I dodged the calorie laden local delicacy "Beaver tail" and Maple cookies that he had sampled. I hope that the new US president would not soon include in his accolades "America's fatest president".

Ottawa is certainly an interesting town, not to large, its government service orientation characterises it similar to our Canberra with a number of parallels to be found. Junctioned on three rivers it is much more photogenic while also featuring parliament buildings architecturally significant compared to our monoliths.

The population, nice as Canadians are, appeared to have an addiction. In winter, a canal that runs from a lock system at the river junction to the East ices over. Polished over shining the ice surface spends month as entertainment, meeting place, exercise area and public transport system.. Offering about 6km of runway, really do travel to work on ice skates. Such methods are lost on Australia…. Something similar would require kayaks I guess.

Shortly removed to Scott house I got to meet his family and a couple of scallywags junior friends. I was also in receipt of my two favourite welcome gifts, an internet connection and a glass of red wine. Scott and I discussed at length the best job in the world, naturally, while his wife not quite rolled her eyes. Obsessed we both admitted, confused we were about the top 50 selection, resolute we were about having gained something from the experience.

It was wonderful to spend the evening in the Kealy household and spend time with another IC candidate. Thank you Scott and family.

Time to double hop to Vancouver on the West Coast for a few days.

John Nayler

Digital Marketer. Sailor. Speaker

John Nayler

Brisbane, QLD

0407 15 13 11

John Nayler

In a world where it is critical to cut through the noise and stand out, John Nayler quietly delivers significant competitive advantage through an in-depth knowledge and intense fascination with content, information and the digital world. Describing his first contact with the internet in 1998 as ‘Love At First Sight’, John successfully created the laptop lifestyle before it was a buzzword, growing a highly regarded digital and media agency, inventing and commercialising products, and launching niche magazines, from aboard his boat in the Whitsunday Islands – one of the most sought after island locations in the world. Competitive advantage is a hard-contact, tactical game which can be won or lost in the digital space. John’s education and commitment to his field, and experience at the forefront of marketing and management in the IT space, delivers an innate understanding of how to position, communicate and leverage to deliver improved visibility, lead flow, and ultimately drive sales and profitability...